We are excited to announce that this year’s speaker will be Pastor Jason Rhoads!
Jason Rhoads was born in the Bay Area of California and spent his growing up years in Southern California and Oregon. Graduating from Canby High School in 1990, Jason spent the next couple years attending various colleges before landing in a managers role at a local auto repair shop.
Although he grew up in a churched home, Jason remembers a true salvation experience on April 2, 1995, where he realized Jesus was more than just a good teacher but Lord, Savior, and King.
Lanae & Jason met February 10, 1995. She is truly his best friend and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Although she would have nothing to do with him for the first few months they knew each other he knew from the moment they met they would someday marry; even calling his friend the next day to tell him. Eventually, their relationship grew and they married July 12, 1997.
Two beautiful girls adorn Jason & Lanae’s life: Taryn, born in 2000 & Moiya, born 2004. Their laughter, creativity, imagination, passion, activity, and questions always challenge and bring joy to their home.
Jason came to the realization in 1999 that he was meant to be in full-time ministry teaching God’s Word and became a full-time youth pastor in March 2000. The past 20 years has been an amazing journey walking with God; ministering with Lanae while building God’s Kingdom.